

The concept of place didn't come out as much as I wanted it to in my originial idea, which was talking about Cooper Terrace Park. I brought my old best friend Steph in many times, which over took the story. After writing my original Twitterive, and conferencing with my professor, I realized it needed to change big time. I wrote one piece in my original Twitterive that gave me inspiration for this new Twitterive which is:

I took the kids I babysit to a park today. I keep taking them to different parks, hoping to create memories for them like the ones I had at Cooper Terrace Park. I have such a strong connections with parks, especially Cooper Terrace, and I want to pass that on to Gianna and Raffy. When I pick both of the kids up, they asked if we are going to the park today. I love that. I am so happy that my experience with a park is rubbing off onto them.

I decided to change my Twitterive to the school that the park is at that I am talking about in the above piece. The school (Winslow Township School # 2) is the elementary school that I attended when I was a child, so I decided to try to re-create the emotions that I felt as a child when attending there. I have actual pictures that were taken as a child, with non-fiction pieces that I wrote to try to remember what it was like as a child in school. I do this by writing a journal entry, a list, dialogue, a narrative, pictures, and a poem. After getting a sense of what it was like for me as a child, I move into the present time, and have more non-fiction pieces about what Winslow Township School # 2 means to me now. I do this through pictures, a list, a narrative, and poems. Lastly, because I want to be a teacher after I graduate, I decided to push the boundaries, and write a non-fiction piece about getting ready for an interview at Winslow Township School # 2.

Tweets relating to this Twitterive:

-playing at the park reminds me of being young again- oh how easy life was #twitterive
-going to the park tomorrow to take pictures for my #twitterive#wrt3
-entrance much smaller than i remember #twitterive#wrt3hallways SO tiny! feels like i can touch the ceiling #twitterive#wrt3
-classrooms much smaller than i remember. how do so many kids fit?
-chairs so close to the floor, doesn't look like i'll fit into them anymore
-the rooms are all so colorful with artwork everywhere
-the shelves in the library are so tiny! I had to stand on my tiptoes when I was little to reach the top
-computers in the computer lab are so old. I think its time for an upgrade!
-the playground is completely different from when I went here. Everything is new except the swings
-There is still 3 different play areas for the kids
-the shed is still the same in the preschool playground
-I can't believe how small everything looks now


The Beginning: Winslow Township School # 2


Furst day of skool 2morow so hapy i cant wait to met
new peple alreedy met a gurl steph nd she sed we culd
b friends she on mi buss so i wil se her in the murning i
hop i met mur peple

School is:
a place to meet people
a place to figure out who you are
a place to expand your knowledge
a place to have fun!

"Good Morning to you Mrs. Fudioso,
Mrs. Fudioso,
Mrs. Fudioso.
Good Morning to you 
Mrs. Fudioso,
We are fine."

Mrs. Murphy: Liz, get down from there!
Me: But Mrs. Murphy I'm almost done.
Mrs. Murphy: You're going to hurt yourself. Down, now!
Me: Okay, just let me staple this one last thing..
(Staple goes through finger nail)
Me: Wahh! I just stapled my finger!
Mrs. Murphy and the rest of the class rush over. Blood is flowing out of my finger and onto the floor.
Mrs. Murphy: Everyone go sit at your seat.
(Hands me paper towel)
Mrs. Murphy: Wrap your finger in the paper towel and don't move.
Mrs. Murphy runs to the phone and picks it up.. "Yes I need someone here immediatly, one of my students put a staple through her finger"
As soon as she hung up the phone, the nurse was running through the door with a wheel chair.
"Get in the wheel chair now sweetie" the nurse said to me.
I did as I was told and got into the wheel chair. I smiled at my classmates as I was escorted out of the room.
As I was being wheeled down the hallway I asked the question that I was on my mind since the whole thing happened; "Does this mean I get to go home early?"

Yes I am finally the line leader today I have to make sure that I don't mess up I need to stay on the silver line that lines the halls Eyes forward Stop at every corner Leader for the day I will be the first for everything I can pick my seat first when I go to library I get to be one of the first people in line for lunch What if I do it wrong What if I go the wrong way What if I run into another class I don't know if I want to be line leader

Lunch Choice Today:
Chicken Patty or Peanut Butter and Jelly
Fries or Regular Potato Chips
Corn or Green Beans
Regular or Chocolate Milk

Attention All Third Graders:
Want to write a story about anything? We are having a contest for the entire third grade!
Turn in to the principal's office by
May 30th!!! 
We will have an assembly on June 4th to find out the winners!
First, Second, and Third Place Winners will receive a trophy!
Good Luck!
Every third grader waits for this day,
to go outside and play.
All other grades watch with envy,
waiting for their day of play.

Boys vs. girls,
Class vs. class,
Student vs. student.

Everyone is invitied,
Moms, dads, grandparents.
Cameras everywhere,
capturing the moment.

This day is both happy and sad,
for it brings an ending at Winslow School # 2,
but a new beginning at Winslow School # 5.

The Present: Winslow Township School # 2

! - The first things you do when subbing in a classroom (first 30 seconds).
A- Attendance. You must take roll when you come in. At the front desk in the office when you sign in.
R- Rules. Go over the rules when introducing yourself.
R- Respect. If you give respect, you'll receive it.
G- Get Moving. Move around the class instead of standing in one spot.
H- Have a Plan. Announce to students what to do next.

(Gets in car to drive to Winslow Township School # 2 for the first time as a substitute)
I'm so nervous for my first day of subbing. I hope the students I have are well-behaved. I can't believe I'm going back into the school that I attended as a child to now be a substitute. I wonder if any of my old teachers will still be there. I wonder if they will remember me.
Short drive from my house to Winslow Township School # 2 is over. Pulls into the parking lot)
 I don't know where to park. I know I shouldn't park in the main parking lot where the regular teachers park. I guess I'll park on the grass in the side parking lot.
(Puts the car in park, and starts walking to the front door)
I remember taking this walk when I was a child. The school seems much smaller now, but looks exactly the same on the outside. The bushes all along the front are all still the same. It's like they have kept the same landscapers for years. All the windows are decorated with children's art work. The bench for our music teacher still remains in the same spot for her memory from when she passed away. I remember being so confused about what happened when she died. I didn't understand. The same large walk way that leads to the front door is still here. They added a new green overhang to cover the entry way. That was never there before. I used to get soaked when I walked into school because there was nothing there to cover me.
(Pulls the front door open, knowing that it is kept unlocked for the teachers to enter before the students arrive)
Wow. This is completely different from what I remember. I remember thinking that the doorway was so big, but now that I'm walking through it, it is so small. I can't believe how tiny the hallways are too. It almost feels as if I can stand on my tip toes and touch the ceiling with the top of my head. The width of the hallways is way smaller than I can remember. I also don't remember those hideous pink tiles on the wall. I wonder if they still have my art work hanging on the wall from first grade. I was so proud of my leaf painting, and it winning first place. 
(Walks through office door)
"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Mason in for Mrs. Karl"
"Okay. Here is your class schedule for the day, and your attendance sheet".
"Thank you".
(Walks out of office)
I don't ever remember the office being that small. As soon as you walk in you feel like you are in a closet. I never felt that way when I was younger. I do remember these hallways like I was in them yesterday, so I don't even need a map to find room 13. Wow, I can't believe how small all these doorways are. I remember them being so large. I could never touch the top of the door when I jumped. Now all I have to do is reach up, and my hand can touch the top of the doorway. Okay, we are. Room 13. 
This classroom is so tiny! I remember it feeling so large when I was younger. Now I'm wondering how they fit so many kids in such a tiny room. I wonder what else I will notice that is different throughout the day....
Why do children always talk about wanting to be an adult?
They mock their parents by playing house,
by making mud pies,
or playing dress up and acting like they are going to work.
What is so great about being an adult?
Yes, we get to boss people around,
and make our own rules,
and drive.
But I wish I could be a child and play all day.
Not have to work to pay bills.
Hide under clothes racks without people looking at me funny.
Why do we always want what we can't have?
They aren't even my own,
but I love them to death.
They are fun, silly,
but most of all a bundle of joy.

I hate when people stare,
with disbelief in their eyes.
Who are they to judge?
They don't know these kids:
fun, silly, and full of life.

People say they aren't prejudice,
but their face says it all.
This is why I'm doing what I am,
in order to change the future.

The Future: Winslow Township School # 2

Liz looks at herself in the mirror for the third time in ten seconds.
"I don't think this outfit makes me look professional enough," Liz said to her mom.
"Liz, you look fine. I like the gray pants with the black top."
"I don't want to look fine, I want to look perfect."
She pulls the shirt over her head and walks to her closet. She stares in shaking her head.
"I have nothing to wear! I want to walk into the interview and have them know they want to hire me."
"An outfit won't do that. The way you talk about yourself will. You were born to be a teacher. Stop stressing out."
"You say that now, but what happens when I come home later and say that I didn't get the job? Obviously I'm not good enough."
"Why are you thinking like that? You live in Winslow. You went to school there. You know everything about the district that there is to know. 
You'll do great, hunny."
Liz rolls her eyes and pulls out a light pink sweater.
"That will look great on you, Liz. You always look good in light pink."
Liz smiles at her mom, "Thanks mom. You're the best."
Liz puts on the sweater and nods in approval.
"Now for some sparkly earrings to show I have a fun side, and I'm ready to go."
Liz put in her earrings and checked her reflection one last time.
"Okay, I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
Liz headed down the stairs, grabbed her purse, and out the door.
"Good Luck! Remember to smile as much as possible!" Liz's mom called from the door.
"Thanks mom. I'll call you when the interview is over."
Liz got into her car and took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing."